Magnolia & Moon

The Magnolia is one of the oldest flowering plants and one of the first flowers to greet us in early Spring.  Mysteriously, the flowers appear before the leaves, giving trees a sculptural quality, inspiring after the dark months.  Its ability to survive harsh winters has led to associations of dignity, determination and endurance.  

The white flowers of the Magnolia Splendens are often used in bridal bouquets and placed under the beds of newly weds to deter infidelity.

For some cultures, the wood of the magnolia is believed to forge a strong connection with ancestors and ancient spirits and is used to promote psychic development.  For others it is a vehicle for meditative working, encouraging peace and tranquility and can form a protective amulet.

Element:  Water

Secondary: Earth

Gender: Feminine

Planetary associations:  Venus, secondary, Uranus.